Books Illustrated
  1. Chambers, William T. The Geography of Texas. Illustrated by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Steck Co., 1946.
  2. Donecker, Frances. Our Texas. Illustrated by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Steck Co., 1948.
  3. Guyton, Pearl Vivian. Our Mississippi. Illustrated by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Steck Co., 1951.
  4. Harmon, Jack (text). Texas Missions and Landmarks. Etchings by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Published for the Institute of Texas Cultures by The University of Texas Press, 1978.
  5. Hoblitzelle, Karl, Esther (Thomas) Hoblitzelle, and Mary L. Kennedy. The Esther Thomas Hoblitzelle Collection of English Silver. Design by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Steck Co., 1957.
  6. Hunter, J. Marvin, and Noah H. Rose. The Album of Gunfighters. Decorated and designed by Warren Hunter. Bandera, Texas: Hunter and Rose Publishers, 1951.
  7. Kaufer, John G. The Amazing Land of Wew. Illustrated by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Steck Co., 1954.
  8. Patrick, Robert W., Eleanor B. Patrick, and Hester G. Fisackerly. The Story of Florida. Illustrated by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Steck Co., 1957.
  9. Phillips, Loretta and Prentice Phillips. Two Silly Kings. Designed and illustrated by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Steck Co., 1964. San Antonio Telephone Book Cover, 1978.
  10. Suddeth,Ruth Elgin. Empire Builders of Georgia. Illustrated by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Steck Co., 1951.
  11. Suddeth, Ruth Elgin and Constance Gay Morenus. Tales of the Western World.Illustrated by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Steck Co., 1953.
  12. Swift, Jonathan. Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Adapted by Roy Avron Pulliam and O.N. Darby. Illustrated by Warren Hunter. Austin, Texas: Steck Co. (Treasure Book Series), 1949.